
Archive for July, 2014


I walk every day along some beautiful huge rosa poppies. I thought to draw them, but by the time I picked them they were dry. But this adds a certain charm as well to these flowers. The colours are a challenge. For the seedpods I underpainted with a light yellow brill. and for the greenish/blue and other touches I started with a mix of cobalt green dark/neutral. I added walnutbrown, prussian blue and chroom dark green. I remained in these colors and for the dry leave added burnt sienna, sienna natur and olive green.DSC02221

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I pick straying objects on my travels; dry some flowers, leaves, or find the snail shells in my garden etc. For these I have different styles/shapes of boxes…it can be a mess. So, with the Worldcup football, there were biscuitboxes in the style of our country sold: flat, rectangular, orange, footballs……in fact the perfect size and shape for my artifacts. (and now I have more than a dozen packets of biscuits in my cellar…..). Each variety gets it’s own box: snails, stones, twigs, leaves etc etc.DSC02219


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